On a flight with Thomson’s recently I was passed a survey by the flight attendant and told that by filling it in I would be in with a chance to win £2500 towards a holiday.
Fair enough I thought until I saw the questions being asked.
These included the things I expected to see such as “how was our customer service”, “How was the flight”. “How was your holiday”
However, it then got into a lot more seemingly irrelevant questions such as:
Do you have a home with a conservatory?
Do you have a home with solar panelling?
Which month is your home insurance due for renewal?
Which mobile network are you on?
Who is your internet provider?
And a ton of other completely irrelevant questions, amounting to about 100 questions in total.
Looking around I did see a lot of fellow passengers filling in the survey, but I wonder how many of them had scanned it before starting. And more importantly how many of them completed the survey.
The lure of a free £2500 holiday might be enough for some to give Thomson every last detail about their personal lives.
Afterall, they did have a captive audience for 3 hours during the flight.
Context is Queen
You simply would not be able to do something like this online.
Time is far my precious online, and not many people will be determine enough to sit for at least half an hour filling out a survey for the chance of £2500. I would also estimate that many of those would fill in a similar survey online would use bogus answers, selecting the first option in order to speed up the proceed.
I do wonder if Thomson had tested making the survey shorter to see if it would increase completion rate. Or if they had received any complaints from customers about why they would need so much irrelevant information.