Inspiration – week 24

Minted is a global community of independent graphic designers and an online store that prints and sells the best of their designs in the form of paper goods. Minted holds bi-weekly design challenges that are open to artists and designers. More than 2,000 independent artists participate in the challenges. Visitors to the website vote on the design submissions and the winning designs are sold on the website. The winning artists are paid a cash prize and earn an ongoing commission on sales of their designs.

src: wikipedia

Quirky – helping designers and innovators bring their ideas to life.

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Quirky is a new type of socially developed product company founded with the vision of making invention accessible. Quirky’s community members, inventors and product “influencers,” ultimately share its financial success with them. Headquartered in New York City, Quirky brings game-changing products to the marketplace through interaction between its active online global community and Quirky’s expert product design staff, bringing to life ideas from their earliest stages to store shelves.
Ben Kaufman founded Quirky on the belief that ordinary people have extraordinary ideas, and that invention should be accessible to everyone. The inventor, along with other community members who have helped determine the product’s design, style, name, tagline, and price, receive royalties based on product sales.

src: wikipedia

Typographical chess set


This chess set re-imagines the bodies of the traditional chess pieces to incorporate each piece’s name as the focal point of their design. It should be noted that each color/material must be ordered separately. This does, however allow for mixing and matching.

src: shapeways