I, like most, am more likely to fill in a survey if there’s a prize at the end or if I really want to let a company know what I think, positive or negative. I started to fill in a survey recently and was struck by the number of seemingly irrelevant questions being asked of… Continue reading Surveys: participants will give up if you ask them too much or if you ask questions they find intrusive
Tag: survey
Surveys: You’ll get the wrong answers if you ask the wrong questions
I took a bus tour on the weekend, and at the end, they asked all the visitors to fill in a survey about their experience. That in itself said to me that they care about the experience of their guests, or at least that they would like to know how well the service is doing.… Continue reading Surveys: You’ll get the wrong answers if you ask the wrong questions
Long survey? keep the user going by reminding them of the incentive
Half way through filling out a survey I got a bit bored. The effort involved seemed to high. I was half way to closing the browser window when part way through I received a reminder of the possible advantage of staying the course. A reminder to keepĀ on going Well what do you know, I was… Continue reading Long survey? keep the user going by reminding them of the incentive