What’s the dishwasher doing? An example of design for the user experience in a physical space

Think of all the times you’ve accidentally opened a dishwasher partway through its cycle… unlike washing machines or other appliances where you can easily see if it’s on or not, with dishwashers, it’s pretty often – “pull the door and hope for the best” – especially if it’s in a built-in kitchen. A colleague and… Continue reading What’s the dishwasher doing? An example of design for the user experience in a physical space

Technology so smart you now need instructions

I would say I’m usually pretty confident in knowing how to flush a toilet. But recent changes in toilet flush designs have got me flummoxed. So much so that places that have these toilets have started to include instructions. How do I use this? The interaction design of these new style toilets offers no affordance… Continue reading Technology so smart you now need instructions


In a workshop today I suffered from temporary digital impairment. why? because of the reflection on the TV screen. it might seem trivial, but not being able to clearly see the screen made it hard for me to be fully engaged with the content being displayed. I had to work so much harder to try… Continue reading Accessibility

When people have no choice they’ll struggle through but this doesn’t mean you should treat people like they are computers – an online check-in experience. 

Recently, I was trying to check in for a flight. it was a long-distance flight, so I felt it important to check-in and choose my seat as soon as it was available. I logged onto the website precisely 23.5 hours before the flight – 30 minutes after check-in opened. Treating people like computers In a… Continue reading When people have no choice they’ll struggle through but this doesn’t mean you should treat people like they are computers – an online check-in experience. 

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Cinema reservation seat chooser

I recently reserved cinema tickets for myself and some friends online via my mobile. It was all going well and was pretty straightforward. Then I saw a red banner at the top of the page… Somehow, maybe because of my fat fingers, but probably not, I had selected sears that were sat separately. But, of… Continue reading Cinema reservation seat chooser

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Inspiration – A nice example of simple profile completion

A humanistic robot Slack presents a very nice way of getting users to complete their profile by only asking for the minimum amount of information they need when registering. They then ask the user to fill in the remainder as they begin to use the system.

Remote user testing – task success feedback examples

Getting the right or helpful feedback when you are remote user testing can be difficult. When you sit in the same room as someone, it’s easy to think of ways to rephrase the question or task so that the participant will understand. Still, when you work remotely, you’ll need to be especially careful that your… Continue reading Remote user testing – task success feedback examples

UX in retail – meetup summary

At Mobile UX London‘s meetup, “Mobile UX in Retail”, we heard from Sabrina Duda from ThoughtWorks, Alex Baggallay and Sann Misra from PwC about their experiences and expectations about UX in retail. Insights… Nordstrom Nordstrom will analyse the Pinterest activity in the local area and place those item in the store window. Consequently, sales went… Continue reading UX in retail – meetup summary

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We’re not that different

One of my favourite twitter pages is Very British Problems. A few examples are shown below. Very British Problem “Honestly, it’s fine, look… don’t worry about it” – Translation: I will never forget this. Never. — VeryBritishProblems (@SoVeryBritish) June 14, 2015 Procedure for being unthanked for door holding: 1. Keep eyes fixed on culprit 2.… Continue reading We’re not that different

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