You go to a theme park, you go on scary rides, and you go on rides that get you wet…
Human-sized dryer
The above picture shows a human-sized dryer I observed on a recent research trip to a theme park.
User need. Check
In the UK, the days (in general) aren’t so warm, and quite a few rides now contain an element of water, whether a mild splashing or a complete drenching. A typical visitor would want to go on as many rides as possible. But maybe deterred by the idea of trying to air dry after such a ride or spending the rest of the day wet.
Business need. Check
If the visitor is cold and miserable, they might curtail their trip, spending less money in the theme park. As a result, their overall enjoyment might be dampened, and they may be less likely to “rave on” to their friends about their brilliant time, recommending the theme park, thus increasing the number of visitors to the park without direct marketing.
Bonus points
The theme park charges for the dryer, thus creating an additional revenue stream.
I’d like to imagine someone walking around a theme park, observing all these soaked customers and having an ingenious idea to put in the human dryers.