
About me

I am a freelance Lead UX and Service Design consultant. I help organisations understand their users and design evidence-based solutions.

I’m nosey at heart, which has led to a wealth of experience exploring:

  • ‘what is’ to help clients gain a deep understanding of their users
  • what ‘could be‘ to help clients decide what to do,
  • and designing ‘to-be’s‘, bringing it all to life.

I’ve worked on multi-million-pound projects to modernise existing services, making them more efficient and cheaper to run. I’ve also designed new strategic services that prepare an organisation for the future.

My approach

For services to be most effective, customer interactions with an organisation must be joined up. Not only the customer-facing elements but also the tools, props and processes in the background that make the magic happen.

Therefore, investigating, recording and communicating as-is journeys and experiences is core to my process. And asking, “How might we?” is essential to what I do.

I love using qualitative and quantitative data to bring stories, research and insights to life. Creating and/or using a solid evidence base means my future-state designs are intentional and targeted.

Working closely with my clients, I ensure that their product or service focuses on the user’s needs, wants and goals and marry this with the needs or intent of the organisation.

Background and clients

My primary background includes design for government, fintech, banking, media & publishing. I’ve worked on brands such as Skrill, TSB bank, PRWeek, and with organisations like the DWP and HMRC.

Curiosity and the love of my profession drive me forward, so when I’m not working on a client challenge, I’m often found doing something UX or design-related in my spare time. 

Unfortunately, much of what I do is restricted by non-disclosure agreements, but more of my work can be seen in my non-public portfolio.


My dedication to staying current, expanding my knowledge and developing new skills means I regularly attend UX, research, and design-related meetups and participate in self-initiated professional development.

As part of my design process, I regularly conduct the following activities…
Competitor analysis, analytics review, stakeholder interviews, content audit, user and staff research and interviews, heuristic reviews, user testing (in-person, remote and guerrilla), field research, storyboarding, persona development, collaborative design, workshop facilitation, service blueprints, journey mapping, wireframing, paper prototype, high fidelity, interactive prototyping and HTML using the GOV.UK prototype kit.

Interested in working with me?

I’m happiest working with passionate people on meaningful challenges that positively impact society.

I also love talking to people about the power of collaborative, purpose-driven work, so if this rings true for you, email info@anna-kay.co.uk to arrange a chat, or find me on LinkedIn.